Physical Health
Cardio: Walk/Run Clubs
Strength: Kettlebells, dumbbells, body weight
Nutrition: handouts, recipes for on -the-go, eat for energy
Krista has been teaching yoga for 15 years and my skillset ranges from injury prevention, surgery rehabilitation to athletes reaching optimum fitness levels. Sessions include but not limited: stretch, strength, balance, meditation, music, reading, breath work or pranayama, and stress relief.
8 Week Run/Walk Meet Up. Each session is approximately one hour including:
1.) Timed walk/run for accountability and measurement.
2.) Tips for proper running form, how to breathe for optimal energy and efficiency,
3.) Strength: foot, ankle, calf muscle, quads, gluten, hamstrings and CORE!
4.) Stretch: tight hip, hamstrings, quads, glutes, calf muscles, and shin splints
~ Assignments are given in between meet-ups.
Krista is a runner, yoga teacher (15 years) and certified personal trainer (12 years).
Cardio: Walk/Run Clubs
Strength: Kettlebells, dumbbells, body weight
Nutrition: handouts, recipes for on -the-go, eat for energy
Krista has been teaching yoga for 15 years and my skillset ranges from injury prevention, surgery rehabilitation to athletes reaching optimum fitness levels. Sessions include but not limited: stretch, strength, balance, meditation, music, reading, breath work or pranayama, and stress relief.
8 Week Run/Walk Meet Up. Each session is approximately one hour including:
1.) Timed walk/run for accountability and measurement.
2.) Tips for proper running form, how to breathe for optimal energy and efficiency,
3.) Strength: foot, ankle, calf muscle, quads, gluten, hamstrings and CORE!
4.) Stretch: tight hip, hamstrings, quads, glutes, calf muscles, and shin splints
~ Assignments are given in between meet-ups.
Krista is a runner, yoga teacher (15 years) and certified personal trainer (12 years).
Cardio: Walk/Run Clubs
Strength: Kettlebells, dumbbells, body weight
Nutrition: handouts, recipes for on -the-go, eat for energy
Krista has been teaching yoga for 15 years and my skillset ranges from injury prevention, surgery rehabilitation to athletes reaching optimum fitness levels. Sessions include but not limited: stretch, strength, balance, meditation, music, reading, breath work or pranayama, and stress relief.
8 Week Run/Walk Meet Up. Each session is approximately one hour including:
1.) Timed walk/run for accountability and measurement.
2.) Tips for proper running form, how to breathe for optimal energy and efficiency,
3.) Strength: foot, ankle, calf muscle, quads, gluten, hamstrings and CORE!
4.) Stretch: tight hip, hamstrings, quads, glutes, calf muscles, and shin splints
~ Assignments are given in between meet-ups.
Krista is a runner, yoga teacher (15 years) and certified personal trainer (12 years).